Tuesday, February 14, 2017



Cydia is a third-party app store that is compatible with all the iOS devices that have been jailbroken. The latest version to be released is Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 version. Which is why we are going to talk about this app in detail.

Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 becomes the app store of your iDevice after you jailbreak it. And this app is capable of giving you all the services just like the original app store. If you ask me why Cydia? The answer id iPhones have an advanced security system so the users don’t have the right to do what they like. Which means iPhones have a lot of restrictions in it?

The only way to ignore that problem is Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 app. To get this app you must jailbreak your device. it will unlock your iPhone and get the root access to the iOS system. And then your device will automatically download Cydia Installer iOS 10.3. Once you get the app, you can take your iDevice to a whole new level with lots of features.


The latest iOS version is iOS 10.3 and this is the 3rd major update of iOS 10 version. And iOS 10.3 hasn’t released to the public yet. It is only released to the public beta testers. So if you are a registered beta tester then you also can update your iOS version to iOS 10.3 now. We must tell you that this update has some interesting new features to be released such as find my airpods, lots of app store changes and all new apple file system are some of them.

So now the question that comes in to your mind is “Is Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 available for download?” well that is not possible at the moment because we haven’t got any announcement from the jailbreakers about Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 version. They will definitely need some time because it’s not as easy as we think. So simply saying Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 is not available at the moment. But we hope it will be released in near future.


Cydia app was created by the famous Mr. Jay Freeman (very well known as “SauriK”) He is the father of jailbreaking too. So all the credits of this amazing app goes to him and his team.

Monday, February 13, 2017


What is Cydia?

Cydia is the app that you must use on your jailbroken iPhone. Basically this app becomes the app store of your iPhone so once you jailbreak your iPhone and download Cydia app, it is capable of providing you apps/ tweaks/ settings/ themes/ mods and many more new feature that doesn’t available on the original app store. This is why most of the iPhone users get Cydia app on their devices. From this page we are going to talk about Cydia iOS 10.2.1 version for you.

About The Latest Version – iOS 10.2.1

It hasn’t been very long since the iOS 10.2.1 release. So iPhone users have updated their device to the latest version. This is obviously not a major update of iOS version. But yes the Apple Company has fixed some bugs and WebKit updates as well as performance improvement of the iPhone.

Can You Download Cydia iOS 10.2.1 Version On Your iPhone?

If you are a Cydia iOS 10.2.1 fan, then you must waiting for Cydia updates for sure. So we would like to say that there is still no any latest update. There was a time that nothing happened. And it is still the same. None of a jailbreaker could be able to release a proper Cydia iOS 10.2.1 app to the public.

Cydia iOS 10.2.1 Download From Cydia Demo

But if you really want Cydia iOS 10.2.1 on your device, you have a choice. And that is Cydia Demo. This is one of the trustful websites that we can recommend to you. Follow this website and you will be guided to get Cydia iOS 10.2.1 app on your device without even jailbreak it. The specialty is you can get Cydia iOS 10.2.1 on any iOS device. so we recommend you to get the app from Cydia Demo.

How To Get Cydia iOS 10.2.1 App?

Backup your iPhone data

Disable “Passcode protection and Touch ID” & “Find My iPhone”

Activate airplane mode

Download the latest jailbreak tool available

Jailbreak your device successfully

Now Cydia iOS 10.2.1 app will download automatically

Click and run the app

Set yourself as the user

Upgrade the Cydia iOS 10.2.1 app as complete upgrade

You have successfully downloaded Cydia iOS 10.2.1 application on your iPhone

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 For iPhone

Cydia is a must have software application for iPhone users. But this app can only use on the devices like iPhone/ iPad/ iPod that have been jailbroken before. Simply it means if you want to get Cydia InstalleriOS 10.3  app, then you must jailbreak your iPhone first.

But Why Cydia Installer iOS 10.3?
Cydia is very important for jailbroken iDevices. We use jailbreaking process to remove all the restrictions and free our iPhones. And we do it because we want to customize our iPhones as we want. To do that we must have an app store that has all the features. That’s right! We are talking about Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 application. This is the app store of your jailbroken iPhone. Through this app you will be able to do lots of customizations to your iPhone as your requirement.

Apple Company Has Released iOS 10.3 Beta Version

It hasn’t been so long since the public release of iOS 10.2.1 version. And recently the Apple Company has seeds the iOS 10.3 beta to the public beta testers. If you are a registered beta tester, then you can update to iOS 10.3 beta version via OTA.
This is the third major update of iOS 10 version. As to the sources we reffered, iOS 10.3 update comes with a packet full of new features. So everyone is waiting for the public release of iOS 10.3 version.

Can We Have Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 On iDevices?

The answer is “No” we know that all the cydia fans are waiting for the latest Cydia updates. Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 version is not available for download because of lots of reasons. Actually iOS 10.3 hasn’t even released to the public. So it is not possible for the jailbreakers to develop Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 this earlier. They will take time because iOS update to update the security system gets more advance that no one is able to get the root access easily. Developing Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 is a difficult task. So we must keep our patience until the release of Cydia Installer iOS 10.3 app.

Requirements Of Cydia Installer iOS 10.3

Backup your iPhone data via iTunes

Disable “Find My iPhone”

Disable “Passcode/ Touch ID”

Enable “Airplane Mode”

Connect the iPhone to the computer using a proper USB cable

Jailbreak your iPhone by following proper instructions

Developer Credits Of Cydia App

Mr. Jay Freeman (SauriK) is the developer of Cydia app. And he is known as the “Father of jailbreaking” too. We must thank him for creating this amazing app for iDevices.